Nuclear War

“Today…every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness.” John F. Kennedy. In the 1950’s and 1960’s citizens and schoolchildren in the USA practiced atomic bomb drills, and nuclear […] Read More

Democracy 3.0

Democracy is withering. A majority of people in democracies like America, France and others believe that corruption is widespread in government. How has this come about? Author John MacGregor believes it is because our constitutions are rooted in a world no living person can remember, where liberties, elections and separation of powers […] Read More

A Short History of Humanity

In his book How Economics Explains the World, author Andrew Leigh describes events that affected the course of world history. These range widely from discussions on Slavery to Climate Change; from War to Artificial Intelligence. In each case the author tries to draw on economic theory to explain why historical events occurred […] Read More

Reasons not to worry

Psychologist and professional grandfather Dr Bob Rich offered this advice to people suffering from climate anxiety: “Do the best you can, then don’t worry”. His advice follows the rich tradition of stoic philosophy. The word stoic in modern usage has devolved to describe people who bottle up their emotions. This interpretation fails […] Read More

What leads to war?

With wars raging in Ukraine and Gaza, and a looming USA-China conflict over Taiwan, one might ask what factors lead to war especially those that involve the great powers. There are a range of theories but the one that I find most compelling is that proposed by John J. Mearsheimer of the […] Read More