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This website is a medium to share our thoughts on the topics of climate change and artificial intelligence. It’s an unusual combination, so let us explain.

Have you ever found it difficult to have a discussion on climate change with someone who doesn’t share your view? These sorts of discussions often end with both sides feeling frustrated. Author Rebecca Huntley says that talking about climate change is harder than talking about sex or religion. Why? Because even though the science of climate change is relatively neat and orderly, people are not. Rebecca says we have to stop laying out the rational and start being emotional.

So we wrote Court of the Grandchildren, a novel set in 2050’s America where climate change has changed the world. It is not your typical dystopian novel. In many ways it might feel very familiar. And why shouldn’t it, it’s less than forty years away. Some of you may remember the 90s?

Our idea was to create an interesting story, and make you, the reader, immerse yourself in a changed but still recognizable world. We aim to let you contemplate what climate change might mean within your value system, and let you make your own judgments. And when climate change news comes up, you might recall the story and it may give you a different perspective.

So that’s the climate change part. Artificial intelligence? We are talking 2050’s, when AI will be an integral part of life. And so it forms another major theme in our story.

That’s it. Other stuff? Our posts/home page is where our news, reviews and latest thinking can be found. You can read the blurb, which gives you the flavor of the novel’s story, and if you want to go further, read the first chapter. Not a big reader? No problem – listen to the audio drama adaptation instead.

We’ve included a little bit about Who we are and how you can contact us. We have also provided social media links including twitter, and of course, some links to where you can buy the book.

Thanks for visiting. We hope you get something from our posts on the home page, and more importantly from reading or listening to Court of the Grandchildren.

Mike and Greg