Audio Drama

Don’t have the time or inclination to read the novel?

No problem. Here’s the 4-episode ‘found-audio’ drama adaptation produced by The Magnetic Theatre. Also available on any of your favorite podcast apps.

The Magnetic Theatre’s Zoom reading was the source track for the audio drama based on the stage production of the play.


The Magnetic Theatre’s production of Court of the Grandchildren was written by Michael Muntisov and directed by Jason Williams, based on the novel by Michael Muntisov and Greg Finlayson. Music: Depth of Focus by Shane Ivers at

The cast members:
Stan Baranowski as David Moreland
Kirby Gibson as Lily
Sheila Collins as Sarah
Scott Fisher as Matteo
Zak Hamrick as Attorney Five and Server #2,
Natasha Charles as the Judge
Gabby Bailey as Dr Gutierrez and Server #1,
Tom Griffin as the Mugger and Rhett Dockery,
Aaron Ybarra as the Young Man, Station announcer, Diner and Protestor,
Sonia D’Andrea as the Young Woman, Maya and Server #3,
and Daniel Massicotte as the narrator

Special thanks to Katie Jones and David Marshall.