Break a Leg!

I am excited to announce the details of a performance of the stage adaptation of Court of the Grandchildren by The Magnetic Theatre in North Carolina. As mentioned at the book release, The Magnetic Theatre has selected the play for performance on stage in their 2022 season. 

In the meantime, they will perform the play via Zoom on-line at 7.30pm 22 April (US Eastern Time) 2021, which is 9.30am 23 April (Australian Eastern Time). This will be somewhat akin to a radio play except you will be able to see the actors faces. Tickets for this performance can be reserved at this link, or just follow the links at The Magnetic Theatre website. The cost of tickets is ‘What you can afford’.

After you reserve your ticket, you will receive an email on the day just prior to the performance with a Zoom link to the performance.

I hope you can make it.

UPDATE: You can read about the performance in the post Act 1 Scene 1
