On stage at The Magnetic Theatre

Watching your novel transform from words on a page to a three dimensional stage performance is akin to magic. It’s like watching your child grow from infant to teenager in fast motion.

When Katie Jones, the artistic director at the North Carolina–based Magnetic Theatre, first told me that she wanted to perform a zoom reading of the stage adaptation of Court of the Grandchildren, I was over the moon. It was a joy to collaborate with the director and cast during rehearsals. The play is set in 2050s America so it was not surprising that questions about the characters and dialog I had never contemplated were posed and bandied around by the team. The script was tightened as each rehearsal revealed something anew.

Even as the playwright, I was captivated by the public zoom performance.

But that was last year. So when The Magnetic Theatre chose to perform Court of The Grandchildren as part of their 2022 Mainstage Season I was truly honored.

The stage production, which premiered on 8th April 2022, was directed by Jason Williams and featured Stan Baranowski, both of whom were part of the original Zoom reading. They were joined by Morgan Miller together with six other cast members, several of whom played multiple parts.

David Moreland (Stan Baranowski) opens up to Lily (Morgan Miller) as Sarah (Sonia Rose D’Andrea) watches over them.

The set design was highly effective with color LED panels modulated to suit the scene. The costumes included kilt-like skirts for some of the males. The painted face designs, to fool facial recognition systems, added an extra dimension to the characters.

It’s not my role to review the performances, but readers can find an independent review of the show here.

My heartfelt thanks goes to Katie Jones and the wonderful team at The Magnetic Theatre. It was an absolute pleasure to work with this group of highly dedicated creative artists.

And if you missed the performance, maybe this video trailer will give you a hint of the show.

Photo credits: Cheyenne Dancy
